Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to come on and wish everyone Merry Christmas! Hope you all had a good day with family and friends! We did... Jessica fixed a wonderful meal!! And Munchkin sure did enjoy tearing into all those gifts!! It was so much fun watching her... Just a really good day. Sorry I've been busy lately... with parties, work, and was sick for several days. But will be back on to blog and catch up a little more later. Hope all is well with you all.... Hugs.. CECIL


Sister said...

Hey Cecil,
I'm so happy to read that you had a great Christmas. Looking forward to hearing all about your holiday festivities!
Thanks for your email.

Nancy said...

Hope you are feeling better now! We had a wonderful Christmas with lots of great food and things. Now to get through New Year's without overeating! LOL

Wishing you a wonderful 2009!

(((((( HUGS ))))))