Monday, December 1, 2008

Baby, It Was Cold Outside Today!

Hey all.. Hope you are all doing well. I am doing fine. My Hubby and I went Christmas shopping this weekend and went to lunch. We met Jessica and Jason and the Munchkin on Saturday night and we had a good time with them at a local restaurant and then came home. And put up our tree. If I do say so, it looks so pretty! It has really put me in the Christmas spirit. It hit me about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and then kind of waned a bit. But today was so cold and it made me think... Christmas..... I went and got my hair snipped and highlighted and then Sue and I went to the mall. I got Hubby a few gifts. I got a new book at Barnes & Noble. It's a Christmas version of Chicken Soup for the Soul.... I can't wait to read it! Sue and I sat there for a bit and got some hot coffee... Then we stopped by Diane and Lamar's for a bit. Jessica was there. We left there and came home. I got my pj's on and sat down and started on Christmas cards. I do them for our church family and also do one for each person in the local nursing home. We started doing that several years ago and I do it each year. I hope that it brightens their day. I am about to wear down for the day. I thought I'd come on and say hello and check in with everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did,

I will go for now and get some sleep. And I'll be back later! Hugs.... Cecil

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