Friday, November 21, 2008

It's A Hot Chocolate With Extra Marshmallows Kind of Night!

Hello everyone. I'm sure you noticed the title and figured out that it's cold..... very cold. It was 28 degrees when I got in from work. And it is now 27 degrees if the cable channel is correct. I figure it is colder. It is going to be cold all weekend. It has also been an extremely long and stressful day at work. I was glad to get home and sit down. I fed the furkids and then made a ham and cheese sandwich and got a Dr. Pepper. And sat down and vegged out in front of the tv! Then later I made some popcorn... That is all of my evening. I just needed to sit down and do absolutely nothing.

I don't have any pressing plans for tomorrow. I will decide what I want to do after work. I've been working in the house.. trying to prepare my spare room for Christmas... I really don't need to have a spare room.... too much junk!! But I am making progress.

Well, I hate to say it but I am going to go for now. I am truly worn out. I hope you are all well and that you have a good weekend. Hugs to all.... Cecil


Sister said...

Hey Cecil,

I'm right there with you...trying to stay warm on this cold (freezing!) Friday night.

Have fun getting your spare room ready for Christmas...and have a great weekend!


Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hey Sis...I haven't done much of anything today besides cook some soup for supper and bake some frozen cookies. The soup and the cookies were both good though.

Lamar's supposed to go to Mark's Sunday morning and be there over Thanksgiving, then back home next Friday afternoon/evening if all goes as planned. We all need to get together and decide what we're all doing for Thursday. If I'm cooking my turkey I need to know in time to thaw it out!

Hope your Saturday is good.

Love you,


Lucy Stern said...

It is getting cold here tonight also, but near as cold as it is where you live. We will be lucky to see 27 degrees this winter....Stay tucked in and keep drinking that hot chocolate....

Sam said...

Hi Cecil,

It's so cold here too! I've been building a fire in the evenings and it's so cozy and warm. Hot chocolate with marshmallows sounds delicious. I'll have to stock up.

Good luck with your organizing! Hope you get some good rest!


Nancy said...

Yes, I read where little Emmy was okay. Thank the good Lord!

I try to keep up with everyone but it's hard working, so I know how you feel being tired after a day's work. I am still up...worked all day and then just did a new post and need to get to bed. But first I wanted to start from the top of my list and start catching up. It will take me a few days to get through my blog list. I miss blogging but work has been so busy 7 days a week. I work from home, but it's no different than working outside the home. I sit here all day and work, and then a second job at night I do from home, too. I love my jobs, though, too, but love blogging more! LOL

It's been cold here, too! I was talking with a friend last night, and she said she can't ever remember having such cold weather here in November. We got down to 22 the other night! That would be okay for maybe January or February but never in November! I hope that isn't a sign of what our winter is going to be like....As you said, it's hot chocolate and marshmallow time! I love hot chocolate with marshmallows and then toast with peanut butter on it to dunk in it!!!

Have a great Sunday!

(((((( HUGS ))))))

Jess said...

Too cold ...I have been freezin my butt off...especially since i am out at night working and all.. I'm jsut hoping that my problems will go away soon!