Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's Alive!!!!

Well, I am anyway.... Again I apologize for not coming on sooner. Life happens and I just can't always get on here. There's a lot going on right now. I hope you are all well. We had some wind last night from Hurricane Ike.. lots of limbs down everywhere and lots of trees and power outages different areas. Thank the Lord, no one around here was hurt... There was a lady in a neighboring town that had a tree land on her house and she and her husband had minor injuries.. and one man was killed in a town in Arkansas when a tree landed on his house. Very scary stuff. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those in the paths of these storms. Hopefully, it has settled now.

I will try to comment on your blogs if you've left me a message... I hate that I'm not as faithful sometimes on here as I need to be.. but I'll be back! Just may take me a few days!

Well, it is getting late (for me) and I will go for now. Hope all of you are well. I'll be back soon and hope you all have had a good weekend. Hugs..... Cecil


zztop357 said...

I was starting to wonder if your new pc had quit.
Glad your back, hope all is well.
God bless, Love you Sister.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

HI Cecil,
I haven't been by to visit for ages. How have you been.
Life has been hectic here, keeping me from blogging.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care, Meow