Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Owe, I Owe.. It's Off to Work I Go.....

Well, I have to go back to work tomorrow. sigh.... A woman's work is never done... he he he.. Everyone I know has to work.... I haven't made my first million yet... oh wait, maybe I spent it!! Oh well....

I thought I'd come on for a minute and just say "hi, hello." I got up at 7:45 this am and got ready to start the day. I went and picked up Sue (sister) and we went to Wally World and got a few things. Then, it was time for my hair appointment. I got my hair trimmed and high-lighted. It is a lovely copper/blonde color. I really like it a lot. I have very dark hair and I like to lighten it up a bit. My last highlights were caramel and butterscotch.. also nice colors. After we left there, we went to Diane's... she told us yesterday that she'd make lunch for all of us... it was SO good!! We had meatloaf, fried squash, and mashed potatoes... yum! I didn't eat anything last night so I was starving by the time we got there to eat! Thanks, Diane!! Jessica, Jason and Munchkin were there to eat, too. We ate and then played with Munch for a while. Then, Jason went and picked up ice cream for us at a local dairy bar.. then they went home so Jess could rest a bit because she went back to work tonight.... but she was going to have help so she thought it would be ok.... Munch also needed to go home for a nap.. she was so tired.....

I came home a did a few things around the house and got my clothes ready for work tomorrow and took my shower and ate a snack.. thought I'd come on and comment on a few blogs and then get ready for night-night as we say to Munch.. lol

Well, I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.. Hugs to you all and now I will bid you all.. night-night........... Cecil


zztop357 said...

Night-night Winky,
I hope you have a good,easy week at work.
Love you Sister.

Lucy Stern said...

Cecil, I have dark hair too, but it does show more of the grey. Last time I got a hair cut I let them put some highlights in and they got carried away with it. The funny thing is that I got more comments on those highlights than ever before.


Jess said...

Hey Rah Rah...lol

Enjoyed yesterday. B-mann called me today and wanted our address to send us a cotton tshirt....lol

Love you

Nancy said...

The lunch at Diane's sounded soooo good!!! All I ca say is that I wish she lived closer!!!

Your hair sounds so pretty!!! I just keep mine as it is...dark brown with very little gray. And I do mean VERY little! At 63, I am grateful for that! LOL

Know you all enjoyed playing with Emmy! She's thew cutest little thing I ever saw!! And that smile just steals my heart!!! God Bless Her!!!

(((((( HUGS ))))))

Sister said...

Hi Cecil,

Just stopping by to see what's been going on in your world.

I hope you're still happy with your new 'do...sounds darling.

Have a great week!
