Cecil asked me to post this for her because she's having some computer problems. She's tried several times over the last few weeks to post on her blog, but her laptop is being cantankerous. The power cord has a short in it and won't let her power up her computer. Just about the time she gets the laptop booted up and gets online her computer goes off.
So, the bottom line is that Cecil has no idea when she may be able to post on her blog again. Neither of us thought about it or she could have posted on her blog when she was here at my place.
Her laptop is several years old and has some other issues, so she and her hubby are discussing whether to try to find a new power cord for her laptop and try to get a little more use from it, or if the money would be better spent toward a new laptop.
In the meantime, Cecil can access her blog when she's here at my place so you can continue to comment here, or you can leave any messages for her on my blog if you wish and I'll pass them on to Cecil.
We'll try to keep everyone posted about Cecil's computer issues and if it's an extended time before she can use her own computer maybe we can both remember for her to blog while she's here.
Thanks for your understanding, y'all.
On Cecil's behalf,
Oh, computer problems!! That's the worst! I'm so sorry!!
Well, we miss you, Cecil! Hope you can come back soon!! :-)
ya. lisa hurry up cuz sammy needs another visitor and we bugged her to death to start a blog and now that she did...well you cant bug her! lol Love you.
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