Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...

Well, today was a beautiful day... it was warm and sunny all day. I was so glad. It rained yesterday and was kind of cool... today was so nice. Last night was not nice. I was very sick.. my lunch did not set well and I had a headache and nausea... and I hurt all over. I took meds and got in my bed and stayed there all evening... And I got woke up and 4:50 am this morning... I was dreaming I was mad at Hubby and I guess I woke myself up and then my neighbors decided to make enough noise to keep me awake the rest of the time. I finally got up and got got ready for work and went to MC..Donald's and got breakfast.. no more headache or nausea.. thank goodness!! And then I went to work.. we were very busy but left work on time.. another reason to be thankful!!

My sis, Martha's son and daughter-in-law called and asked us to meet them for lunch so we went and met them at Dixie Cafe... lunch was good... chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes with white gravy, and mac and cheese and rolls and corn muffins. We went shopping at Goody's and then to Barnes & Noble.. I got a few of my fav magazines... Rachael Ray and Martha Stewart and a Better Homes & Gardens book with recipes.... Then we came home. I got my kids fed and then took a bath.... of course, it's Saturday night!! ;-) And I also ironed my clothes for church tomorrow.. Speaking of church, we have revival this week so I may be scarce again... It will go through Friday.

Last weekend, Martha's son and daughter-in-law took us both to Memphis to eat at Red Lobster and then shopping. The food was FABULOUS!! I had salad, cheddar bay biscuits, baked potato, shrimp scampi, fried shrimp, and grilled shrimp.... oh my gosh, I get hungry just thinking about it!!! lol.. I got home at 9 pm and just kind of melted when I walked in the door.. I was worn out. So, I went to bed and took my shower on Sunday morning. We had a good time.

Sunday was really good at church. We had singing that evening. It was so good! It was a sad day for us because if you read Diane's blog then you know it was the anniversary of our Mom's death.... but we made it through... I sure miss my Mom... and Dad, too..

Well, I guess I'll go for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend and all is well with all my blog friends...

Hello to Sister... Thanks for checking in on me!! Hope you and BooMama are good!! I had a good day but I am tard.. as Diane says! Hope everything is ok with you! Come back soon! Hugs.. Cecil

Hello to Sammy... I'm glad you stopped by! The weather is much better... for now.. we have a chance of rain everyday next week except Monday... sigh... maybe it will pass us by! Hope all is well in your world!! Cecil

Well.. I'll go for now and will try to check in soon... Hugs to all my friends.. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.... Cecil


Diane@Diane's Place said...

Today was pretty, wasn't it? A little windy, but overall a keeper. Tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be even warmer. I'm thinking maybe grilling at Craighead Forest....Whaddaya think? ;o)

I'm already bathed and ready for bed myself. I mentioned a little something about our running joke with Sister on my post tonight.

See you at church in the morning, Lord willing....

Love you,


Sister said...

Good morning...

Yes, girls, I caught the joke! :)

I do love reading about your activities in NW Arkansas. Both of you paint such vivid pictures of your daily lives and share them so freely.

Thanks for including me on your guest list. :)

Cecil, I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better. Have a great week!


Jess said...

Yes we are glad you are feeling better...and didn't make it to church this morning, but I think we will be there tonight...hope revival goes well! Love you

Anonymous said...

Hi Cecil!

I'm sorry to hear you were feeling sick. Glad you're better now and hope you stay that way! Also, I'm glad the rain has stopped in your neck of the woods. It must be nice to see the sunshine.

The food you describe sounds wonderful. I know this is the silliest thing, but I have never been to a Red Lobster! There actually is one here in NYC, around Times Square I think, but I have never thought of going. Perhaps I should give it a try...

I know how hard those anniversaries can be. My father's is coming up soon. Glad to hear you and Diane pulled through what I'm sure was a tough day.

Have a great week, Cecil! I really enjoy your blog! :-)


Karen H. said...

Good Afternoon Cecil,
I haven't been by in a while and I had some computer problems a couple of weeks ago. I did post this morning and even put up some pictures. Sorry you have been feeling bad and I do hope and pray you are feeling better now. I think there is something in the air because alot of times I feel nauseated myself. I felt that way earlier today and had to lay down. Our youngest daughter started feeling the same way later on and she layed down for a while too. The food at the Dixie Cafe you had sounds so good. I think I have only been there once with my SIL a couple of years ago. Is that the place where they serve you bread with the olive oil? I noticed they are building a new Restaurant there by the Mall. Do you know what it's going to be? I have heard it was going to be an Olive Garden or Applebee's. But you know you can always hear everything but the right thing. LOL. I so love Red Lobster. It's been a long time since I've eaten there, but I would love to go again sometime. I love the Cheddar Bay Biscuits. That's almost a meal in itself. LOL. I love Shrimp Scampi too. I'm just a big Seafood lover myself and any kind of Seafood is always good to me. It rained here 3 times on Friday and the bottom fell out on Friday night. Me and my DH was coming home from Jonesboro while it was doing all that heavy raining. I could only drive about 40-45mph. It has been raining a bit here this afternoon as well. I hope your Revival went well this past week. My Mom's Church in Lepanto is starting their Revival tonight and going thru Wednesday. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.