Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2 Days of Sunshine.....

Hello Everyone! I wanted to come on for a few minutes and say "Hi" and also to say "thank you" to everyone who has been praying for my mother-in-law and family. Thank you so much for all the sweet comments and the prayers. She died quietly and peacefully, which Brian and I were so grateful for... thank you, Lord! She was a good lady and we will miss her. I appreciate all of you who thought of us, commented, or just went on Diane's blog to comment. It is so nice of all of you to be concerned for us. Memories will sustain us even in the hard times. Thank you all again....

Today, Brian and I went shopping, and to eat lunch, and I got a haircut....It was a beautiful sunny, warm day.....and we enjoyed it so much... It was a good day.. we needed a good day.. Thank you, Lord, for this day!!

Then we came home and rested for a bit and Brian and his sister and step-dad went through some of his mom's things... He found a lot of memories... good memories... :)

We had Chinese for dinner and watched American Idol and then I took a good shower while Brian went to get ice cream.... Now I am going to go feed my beautiful frog, Edith so that Brian can get on here for a while... I will try to come on in the next few nights... I hope you all have a wonderful week... I have missed coming on and will try to be on more now... Blessings and hugs to you all.......Cecil


zztop357 said...

I had decided you had disowned me ...I thought about ya'll when we were over there Monday night.We had a good time and Jon's team beat Trumann.These late nights and early mornings are killing me though.
I'm glad you are back...I hope Brian finds lots of good memories.
Love you.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I went fishing with Sue and Charles today. I caught a small drum and a fair-sized flathead, and Sue caught a fair-sized blue. We threw them all back because we didn't have enough for a mess.

The buffalo gnats drove us crazy!

I did get a good tan today, though. ;D

Love you, Sister


Granny said...

Hi Cecil. Glad you're back and doing well.

Sister said...

Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for the update.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hi Cecil, sorry I haven't been around lately, and I wasn't aware of your Mother In Law's passing. I am so sorry to hear of it, and hope you are all doing OK. It is a terribly difficult time.
Thinking of you all.
Take care, Meow