Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Snow...

Hi everyone. It's like deja vu here this week. Once again, I am home. Because of snow. It's ok though because I am very tired and home is ok today. Wish I had a few more days off though. Not been sleeping well sometimes so the rest is welcome. Hope you are all well and warm if you are snowed in this week. I spent the morning cleaning a little but won't be doing anything else.... just don't have the energy. Will rest and will be going back to work tomorrow. Hope all is well with all of you. A special hello to Sammy.... thanks for stopping by... I couldn't get on your blog to leave a comment. Hope you and your family are all doing well..... Hugs to you!

Am about to go rest for a while so will say goodbye for now. We are expecting another weather present on Thursday but they are not expecting it to be anything to worry about... hope not! Anyways... in case I don't get back on before the weekend.... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!
Hugs to all..... Cecil

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

As Time Passes By......

Hello everyone.... We started getting freezing rain last Thursday night and then sleet a few hours later.... it woke me up at 2 am and was hitting the window so hard that I thought it was hail... I finally got awake enough to realize what it was... took me a bit to go back to sleep and it woke me up again at 4 am. I and 2 other employees worked until noon and by 9 am it had started snowing, too. I came home and put on warm pj's and piled up to watch my fave shows on Food Network... and then haven't left the house yet! I cooked everyday and just rested. I haven't felt good the past few days and stayed home. Tomorrow, I go back to work. It has been a nice little vacation. We are expecting a little wintry mix Thursday but they think it will be minor. Then we are expecting some wintry mix on Monday and the weather gurus are "watching it." We will see....

Hope everyone is doing well. Hopefully, we will wade through through the rest of winter with no major weather upsets.. like Diane mentioned! I am praying for an uneventful year.... too much going on lately. With the weather and other things...

Well, will sign off for now... Hugs to all..... Cecil

Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't Pass Out!

Wanted to say "hello" to everyone. Although I'm sure everyone has given up on me! Don't blame anyone for that. There has been so much going on the past few months.. I love my computer but I have a life to live and can't always come on and do my blog. Like everyone else, life has been hectic, sad, discouraging and downright miserable at times lately... but I won't go into the gory details. I can only say I'll try harder. Hope everyone is ok and survived the holidays.

I've missed being on and just wanted to say "hi"... Will try to be back soon.

Hugs... Cecil

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Prayer Request.....

I know I'm not on much right now but I need prayers for Jessica... I can't go into detail but our family asks that all of you pray..... We are so thankful for friends.. you have all been our friends... Please pray... Thank you so much!! Hugs to all..... Cecil

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm Still Around.....

Hello all. Just letting you all know I still exist! Just very busy. I'm going a lot so haven't even had my 'puter on in so long. Will try to check in more often.. Hugs to all... Cecil

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Busy As A Bee.........

Hello everyone! I'm sure if you read my title, you know I've been very busy. I won't make any excuses other than to say as Diane does, "life happens." I've just had so much going that I haven't had time to come on and blog. Work has been extremely busy and just as I was about to go bonkers, I got a break. Jessica and I went on a mini-vacation. It was just the 2 of us and we went to Hot Springs... and lucky us! my hubby called and booked a hotel room for us and he got us a spa package... it was fabulous!!! Facials, pedicures, mineral baths and massages... ah! to be there now! Absolutely wonderful! We had a blast!

So, that is what has been going on with me. How about all of you? I hope you are all well and enjoying summer. It will be over far too quickly.... do something fun!

Our weather has been crazy! Cooler temps that are making history for July.. Rain, rain and more rain! I just hope our winter is not this crazy. I don't think I can take another ice storm like we had earlier this year!

Well, I guess I'd better go for now. Have to get up early and I go to bed early. Have a good rest of the week. Hugs to all....... Cecil

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Heat is On!

Hello all.... Hope you are all doing well. I worked this am and then Jessica met me after work and we went to get Munchkin a swing set. She was so excited when I told her that her uncle Brian and I were going to get her a swing set! She loves to swing and get on the slide. It is so hot right now but we are expecting cooler temps next week so I wanted to get it so Jessica and Jason could get it set up for her now. I loved having a swing set growing up.

Hope you have all had a good week. I did. Just busy at work but it does make the time go faster!

Brian (hubby) and I spent Sunday going to lunch and then shopping. We had a great day and even went to dinner later. I went to church Sunday night. And Sunday was Father's Day. I miss my Dad a lot... I can't help but think how much he and Mom would have loved Munchkin and Seth! So, until I see you again, Daddy.... I love you and I miss you and will see you soon.

I am having a hard time staying awake this afternoon! I really don't need to go to sleep at 5 pm! I may not sleep well tonite if I do! So, I have to stay awake.......

I am so ready to go on vacation! Every time I see a pic of a beach, I drool! I haven't been to Florida in several years and I'd like to go NOW.. lol... right now though, we have several at work taking time off so I can't for now... sigh... oh well.....

Well, I have some things to do so I guess I'll go for now. Have a good weekend...... Hugs to all...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hello Again.. My Friend...

Hello everyone. Needless to say, once again I have been AWOL.. for which I do apologize. We had VBS last week.. (you can see pics on Diane's blog)... and between work and then going to VBS, I have been exhausted to be honest with you. I went to Diane and Lamar's yesterday.. and Jessica and Munch and Jason's brother came down .. and Diane grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. It was really good. Jess let Munch play in her pool for a bit and then she had to go to work. I fell alseep on the couch and probably slept for an hour and a half... I was worn out. Today, I went and got us sandwiches for lunch and managed to stay awake all day.. lol... Diane worked on my blog a bit... thank you very much, m'aam!! And I wanted to come on and leave a few words and say hi to all. Hopefully, everything is settled for a bit... except the weather... it is suffocatingly hot right now.... and will probably be that way until November! no joke... But I guess we'll make it through..... I pray that all of our air conditioners hold up!!

Not much else going on here right now.... How are all of you? Can't blame anyone if they don't stop by... I've just been so busy, I couldn't come on... hope you all will stick with me... Guess I'll go for now... Hugs to all, Cecil

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Quick Hello.......

Hi everyone..... Hope you are all well. Good here.. just been busy. I don't have much time to chat tonight. I had several things to do this evening when I got home which hasn't left much time to blog. Will try to come on in the next few nights. I spent the last few days with the family... Munch ( aka Emmy), Jessica, Jason, Diane, Lamar and Sue. I have to go back to work tomorrow so I am going to go nite nite in a sec! I'll be checking back in soon.. Hope you all have a good week... we are expecting some rough storms.. I pray they won't be bad.... Hugs to all... be back soon... Cecil

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night....

It is lightning so I can't really stay on here but wanted to say "hello" to everyone! I was off work Saturday... whoo hooooo!! And some of the family went to eat and to the mall and the movies... we had a really good time. Sunday we had Boston butt for lunch after church at Diane and Lamar's. So we had a busy weekend.... Hope you are all well and took time to remember our soldiers ..... from past to present.. and what Memorial Day really is all about.... My thoughts and prayers go out to all of them and their families and our country.... Will be back soon... Hugs to all.... Cecil